From your initial investment and any winnings you may have been fortunate to obtain. Almost every game uses a magnetic type card, which tracks every thing you do there along with keeping track of your money. To the best of my knowledge this information is not posted anywhere, I've seen many customers burned by this trick (work a machine to then be told by security to get off it). The second section closes at 5am and the last section or entire building shuts down at 6am NO EXCEPTIONS. NO ALCOHOL is served at WinStar, WinStar is NOT open 24 hours a day, the establishment ( I hate to call it a casino, since they don’t run it like one) is divided into 3 sections the first of these 3 sections is shut down at 3 or 4am regardless of how much investment you may have put into a machine you will get thrown out.
WinStar has come up with a few extra ways to help you part with your money.įirst some of the common unknowns. If I can spare even one individual, it will be worth it. As a frequent player I would like to share some of the pitfalls learned along the way, some of which I wished had been given to me prior to going.
Now everybody knows that the house always has the advantage. To any one thinking they are going to capitalize at WinStar Casino in OK, better THINK AGAIN.